
Andrew Jackson Dbq

Decent Essays

Andrew Jackson is an american president that has been surrounded by controversy since the late 1820s. And though he may have meant well with his actions as president, those actions had consequences that affected many and benefited few.
In the late 1820s early 1830s, there was a movement led by by Andrew Jackson that called for more democracy in the American government. With this idea of “Jacksonian Democracy”, Andrew Jackson helped form a new democratic party. The new party declared itself to be the party of ordinary farmers and workers. It opposed the special privileges of the economic elites and offered affordable land to ordinary white americans. But the problem with Jacksonian Democracy is that the new democratic party and President Jackson were the embodiment of “Mob Rule” or a ochlocracy due to the massive crowd that consisted of uneducated ruffians that supported Jackson and were apart of the democratic party. During Jackson's inauguration, the white …show more content…

In 1830 president Andrew Jackson went against congress and signed into law the Indian Removal Act. When the Indian Removal act was put into law the president was allowed the power to grant land east of the Mississippi in exchange for native american lands that were located within the existing states. Causing over 4,000 Cherokee indians to lose their lives to things like cold, disease, and famine. But, even though the Indian Removal Act caused thousands to die and lose their homes, some did benefit from it. With the Cherokees relocated there was more land available to accommodate for the United States growing population. Land Brokers benefited from the act because they were now able to sell of the land that the Cherokees once possessed. The everyday white american also benefited from the Indian Removal Act, due to the now available land being affordable to

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