
Ancient Chinese Religions: The Role Of Yin And Yang

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Ancient Chinese Religions:

The Role of Yin and Yang

China has a long history of imperial rule. In 618-755 b.c the Tang dynasty comes to power and during that time Taoism flourished. Taoism is a religion that affirms the belief of non-corrosive action and Ch’i. From 755-907 b.c Confucianism begins to rise and Buddhist persecution is first seen. Confucianism is a state religion that affirms ch’i but also has a lot of practices concerning the well-being of one’s family. Ch’i defined as the universal energy that is in the cosmo and inhabits people’s bodies. What ch’i looks like in the earthly plane has been labeled as Yin and Yang. Yin and yang complementary energies that are seen in the world.Yin can be described as dark, feminine,receptive, …show more content…

These values are seen in a set of rules for interactions with others called ‘Li, which translates to the proper way. Ren emphasizes authoritative conduct and humanity. Individuals who are confuncasit are expected respect authority and treat others with dignity and respect. Xiao, filial piety is reverence for one’s family. First the father, then the mother, and so forth. But it is also important to respect the first patriarch and matriarch of one’s family. In Confucianism, it is important to remember the dead and practice ancestor veneration. For example, Ching-ming a spring festival is a day where everyone or as many people possible go to the grave site to rekindle their relationship with their dead. Ching-ming emphasizes that even though the departed are not with univisual on the physical plane and they are still alive and still have an effect on the livings lives. People should acknowledge their ancestors and celebrate them, our ancestors can still impact our everyday life. Lastly, Confucianism aligns itself with the way Yang, due to focus on action and …show more content…

The motions that individuals do and participate are parallel to what is happening in the spirit world and can influence the spirit would. Humans excuse influence because the spirit world or ‘heaven’ is ran the same way as the earthly plane. The Jade emperor who is the spirit world’s emperor is the counterpart to the arthly emperor. Both humans and spirits (Gods) have obligations to each other. Humans are expected to worship them and give offerings, in return the local deity (God) is expected to protect the village from negative spirits, provide them opportunities to incur wealth and prosperity. In Taoism spirits are in a hierarchical structure, instead of the ultimate creator of Christianity notion of God sitting at top, the Jade emperor sits there and everyone else follows.Another important aspect of Taoism is the focus on non-corrosive action. Non-corrosive action simply put is letting things happen naturally. Suggestion and asking is okay but using force is not appropriate. Practicing Taoists do not apply force in their friendships, their life’s, romantic partnerships, and even in child rearing. Lastly, another practice individuals can do harmonize the Yin and Yang energy in their bodies is by practicing Chi-Kung. Chi-Kung is an energy training that includes meditative practices, certain diets, and yoga displences to reach an alchemical balance within the

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