
Analysis Of Stop Time By Frank Conroy

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Throughout Frank Conroy’s life in the novel Stop Time, Conroy faced numerous struggles such as fatherlessness, desire for distinction, pursuit for peace of mind, “Call me Ishmael, and plenty more. These struggles molded him into the person that he was and throughout the course of his life became his overall identity. Throughout life, everyone goes through conflicts and hardships that make them who they are, whether it is in a positive of negative way. Frank’s fatherlessness throughout the span of his life is something that I cannot relate to on a personal level, but can yet contrast the aspects of having a dependent and influential father figure in one’s life, versus the lack of such an important and crucial person. In the novel Stop Time, the first words that Conroy states to the reader is, “My father stopped living with us when I was three or four” (11). Conroy’s choice to declare this as the first words of his memoir reveals the entire foreground as to why Frank is the way he is. From the start, the lack of Conroy’s father caused doubt and lack of self-worth inside the mind of Conroy. Without a consistent and stable father figure whom he can be dependent on, it can hence lessen one’s overall opinion of themselves. From the beginning, when his father left, Conroy struggled with the constant desire to fill that void and wound that his father had left him. Unlike Conroy, my father has been here for me since the start. He has impacted my life in numerous ways, and I

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