
Analysis Of Reymundo Sanchez's Lady Q : The Rise And Fall Of A Latin Queen

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In the novel, “Lady Q: The Rise and Fall of a Latin Queen” Reymundo Sanchez, talks about a woman’s perspective of her rough childhood experiences and how it led up to her being affiliated in one of the most notorious gangs in America, the Latin Kings. Sonia Rodriguez, was born into a low social economic class with very minimal opportunities. Not to mention, her household was not an ordinary house hold. In fact, it was a household filled with violence, drugs, no sense of love from her family members and abusive with no expectations of prosperity. Sonia was five years old when she was already having doubts about whether her mother loved her. At such a tender age, this little girl is having these thoughts about her mother not loving her demonstrates she would receive little or no love from her family. In fact, Sonia turned to receiving good academics to attempt and please her mom for love in return. This eventually fails, leading to her never getting that love from not just her mom, but the family. Sonia was viewed more as a scapegoat to the house hold then a family member. She was excessively punished for no reason with no trust from none of her family members. If something was occurring in the family for instance, her sister going out late or money missing she would the one to blame and severely punished, “She swore she hadn’t stolen from either Juan or her mother and continued to maintain her innocence even through the beatings she received whenever there was missing money”

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