
Analysis Of Julius 's ' The King Of The Night '

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As Julius led the two tigers out of the arena and released them, the adrenaline still pumping .through his veins, an impulsive thought developed in his head. Yes, it would be dangerous, but he guessed that if he found himself back in the Colosseum, the crowd would once again persuade Caesar to let him live. But he still had a part of his mind doubting his survival. But oh, how he longed to get one last glimpse of his love, but she was the Emperor 's daughter, and he was low class. There was even only a slight chance that the princess 's cousin, who was a very high class, would be able to marry her. He needed to stop for a breath. Brute looked back at him and saw the two-leg pant heavily. He signaled for his brother to stop. …show more content…

"You are a disgrace..." Caesar told Aurelia and pulled her from her seat. The whole colosseum was holding their breath. "We 're leaving now." He said harshly. " Everyone needs to go home!" The guards started to evacuate the Romans. With one last look at a frightened Marcus, Aurelia rubbed her cheek when her father looked away, and strode after her father out the colosseum door. The hum of the crowd rose slightly at the harsh actions of Caesar. They didn 't speak against their Emperor, but instead the troubling thought of his daughter and the tiger keeper. The next day, Marcus came to visit. But he found something even more strange than the scene that has happened at the colosseum, he found a boy around Aurelia 's age with a joking attitude, cracking jokes trying to comfort Aurelia. Marcus didn 't know how to feel about this boy. He seemed nice enough, but comforting Aurelia was his job. He cautiously rushed to her side, shot a curious glance at the boy, and pulled Aurelia into an embrace. "Um.... Who are you?" Questioned the unknown boy with the brown hair. He was staring at Marcus with the eyes of a confused puppy, and Marcus stared back."I don 't mean to be rude, but seriously... Who are you?" Aurelia sensed the slight tension in the air, and

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