
Analysis Of John Of The Steinbeck 's ' The Third Child Of Four '

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John Ernst Steinbeck was born in 1902 the third child of four to John and Olive Steinbeck. John Sr. was an accountant that supported the family and Olive stayed home and took care of the children. The Steinbeck Family lived in the Salinas Valley in Central California near the coast. We can see throughout John’s entire life the roots of his books and philosophy coming from the migrant farming town on the coast of central California(BBC John). John’s mother was very strict and made sure that every kid in the household contributed and could keep the house in good condition. John grew up in neither in wealth or poverty but his mother made sure the house was always in tip top shape. In addition, every child was taught proper etiquette and the rules were always strictly enforced(Snyder). John gained an interest in literature from a young age from his parents always having in depth conversations that would stimulate deeper thought and having discussions were all arguments would be dealt with lists of valid points and proof to back up. At the table Olive would many times play the devil 's advocate so everyone could divulge into what they believed in from simple community issues to more philosophical thinking. At the age of 14, John first decided that he would become an established author and he went after this goal for his entire life. In school, John was not part of the popular cliche and was very stand offish(Harmon). Through highschool he was bullied often and it was because he

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