
Analysis Of Donald Trump 's ' Stop And Frisk ' Essay

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Presidential Nominee Believes in the Revival of “Stop and Frisk” Donald Trump, the billionaire businessman turned presidential nominee who is making headlines for all the wrong reasons one would wish for in their nation’s leader, believes in the revival of the “stop and frisk” procedure. Trump believes it would be “overwhelming” beneficial to minorities when in fact studies show data that proves it to racially profile and unfairly target minorities. His suggestion of the return of the stop and frisk procedure couldn’t come at a worse time as our nation is currently at odds with the recent string of deaths of minority civilians at the hands of police officers. His suggestion only heightened the ill feelings towards law enforcement. Speaking for myself I believe “stop and frisk” should be left and forgotten as all it did was deny people specifically minorities of their freedoms. While the stop and frisk procedure was responsible for busting people for minor offenses it often went off script and against the principles set forth in the Constitution. While I’m all for the just punishment of any wrongdoers of law, I believe stop and frisk should not be resurrected as it has been shown to statistically unfairly happen to minorities at an alarming rate, further heighten the current minority vs law enforcement narrative, and it is flat out unconstitutional. First, stop and frisk should remain dead because it has been studied and proven in recent studies to target minorities at a

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