
Analysis Of ' A Valediction ' Forbidding Mourning '

Decent Essays

[Felicia Johnson]

[Literature 1102]


An Analysis of “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning"

All relationships must withstand the test of time and distance. When separating, a couple will experience both physical and emotional anguish. Soulmates are said to experience a love with a deeper connection. In this complex yet completely romantic poem, " A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning", John Donne employs conceit, symbolism, and tone to poetically paint a picture of the true love that exist between a man and his wife. John Donne was born on January22, 1572 to a Catholic family in England. ("John Donne Biography") In his twenties Donne spent a lot of money on women, books and traveling. (" John Donne Biography") In 1601 Donne became a member of Parliament and married Anne More. (" John Donne Biography") Neither of the families approved of this union, and as a result Donne was imprisoned for a while.(" John Donne Biography") The couple experienced financial difficulty for 8 years until Donne was payed a proper dowry.(" John Donne Biography") John Donne renounced his religion and became royal Chaplin in 1615. It was then that the world would have a taste of the things that would later make him famous (" John Donne Biography"). He was known for the eloquent sermons that made great use of his famous and elaborate metaphors. Donne fathered twelve children. Donne 's wife Anne died while giving birth to their twelfth child (" John Donne Biography"). He

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