
Analyse The Factors Which May Affect Child Development Essay

Decent Essays

Children’s and young people’s development is influenced by a range of various different personal factors like healthy issues, physical disability, learning or intellectual disabilities or sensory impairments. Children need to reach certain milestones in their life and also before birth, delay in meeting these milestones can affect a child’s development in some cases these are out of the control of parents. A Child’s health can greatly affect their personal development. Eating well with plenty of fruit and vegetables and being active is more likely to result in a positive development than a child whose immune system is compromised or someone that is not active and eats unhealthy foods. When a child is unable to socialise with other children …show more content…

Changes in the family such as a death, divorce or moving to a different country affect a child’s development especially their emotional and social development. Changes at home can affect children in many different ways an often staff within a school can notice this as it can affect the way they interact with other children or their school work. Poverty can effect a child development such as poor housing can result in not only ill health but also lack of resources in the surrounding area e.g. libraries, parks and youth centre’s this can not only affect their social development but their physical and cognitive as well. Children from a wealthy family may feel pressurised into achieving a higher expectation than is possible as the parents are high achievers their selves. This may also have a negative impact on a child’s perception on learning, if a parent has been overpowering by hounding the child to read and write before actually starting school. Children who are cared for under social services either living in the family home or being looked after in care can be effected, although some children can be more resilient than others. Children cared for by social or health services are monitored regularly enabling any issues a child may have to be picked up and dealt with

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