
An Hrm Perspective on Employee Participation

Decent Essays

The Oxford Handbook of Participation in Organizations

Paul J. Gollan, David Lewin, Mick Marchington, and Adrian Wilkinson
Print publication date: May 2010 Print ISBN-13: 9780199207268 Published to Oxford Handbooks Online: May-10 Subject: Business and Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Theory and Behaviour DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199207268.001.0001

An HRM Perspective on Employee Participation
Peter Boxall, John Purcell

DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199207268.003.0002

Abstract and Keywords
Since the 1980s, human resource management (HRM) has become the most widely recognized term in the Anglophone world referring to the activities of management in organizing work and managing people to achieve organizational …show more content…

HRM itself can be subdivided into three domains: Micro HRM, Strategic HRM, and International HRM (Boxall et al., 2007b). Micro HRM is concerned with practices within the sub‐functions of HRM, drawing on long traditions of studies on such aspects as selection, appraisal, and pay. Strategic HRM and International HRM are both more systemic or macro in their outlook. Strategic HRM is concerned with how HR practices cluster into HR systems, and with the relationships between HR strategy and the organization 's internal and external contexts and its performance outcomes. International HRM focuses on HRM in companies operating across national boundaries and shows a particular concern with the interplay between
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An HRM Perspective on Employee Participation

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corporate integration and local adaptation. This diversity in HRM—in practice and in theory—gives us a major problem if we are asked to describe an HRM perspective on

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