
An Evaluation Of A Interview

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Shantelle Jones is a 17-year old adolescent female who was referred to this agency following a brief hospitalization for a suicide attempt. She resides in Rural, Michigan with her paternal aunt, Ms. Wilson, who has become her adoptive parent, as well as her younger sister, her paternal grandmother, and an adult male cousin. During her intake appointment, Ms. Wilson stated that she would like Miss Jones to be less aggressive toward her sister, less rebellious, and to become compliant with the medical recommendations of the psychiatrist who treated her in the hospital. Miss Jones stated that she would not like counseling, but if it was necessary she would comply because she would like to be less depressed and have less strife in her home life.
The following goals and objectives were developed in conjunction with Miss Jones and Ms. Wilson during the intake interview:

GOAL 1: Reduce oppositional behaviors.
OBJECTIVE 1: Learn to recognize stress situations before they become explosive.
OBJECTIVE 2: Work with the social worker to develop positive communication skills that will reduce conflict with Ms. Wilson.
OBJECTIVE 3: Develop and practice problem-solving skills to avoid volatile situations.
Sprague and Thyer (2003) cite a study that used anger management training to help reduce adolescent outbursts and increase communication skills among peers and adults. Similar anger management and communication skill training with Miss Jones is intended to meet Ms. Wilson’s goal of

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