
An Analysis of The International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

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The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, hereafter the ‘ICESCR’, binds State Parties to take steps to achieve the rights recognized within the treaty. Involved are both core obligations, which are to be realized immediately, and duties to be achieved progressively, through the use of maximum available resources. Once attained, measures are to be taken to ensure those rights are not diminished. Should regression occur, full justification is required. This legal brief will critically analyse the situations in Mythica in order to identify any potential duties assigned in the ICESCR that may have been breached. Following that, it will expound upon which of those prospective violations could be brought before …show more content…


A breach of the non-discrimination core obligation could exist if this procedure was conducted because X is of a specific economic or social standing, female or even over a certain age. That breach will have infringed upon X’s right to health. Also, the special protection given to women immediately following childbirth appears to have been violated.

While the facts do not indicate that the sterilisation occurred in a government run facility, or that the physician was a State employee, a connection may be made to the State’s failure to protect. A clear connection exists if the government has contracted out its medical services to this facility. This matter should be further investigated if this was part of a government initiative.

The date of the sterilization falls outside of the applicable timeframe for communications. However, if the government has promoted a plan to sterilise women, the violation may be ongoing and applicable. Suspicion arises over the fact that X gave birth to a healthy baby, no medical reason has been given for the sterilisation, and government led sterilization has occurred in other States. Normally, the Committee will review communications in the order in which they are received and such a matter should not be delayed. If the

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