
American History and World War II Essay

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On December 7, 1941, with Japanese attack on Perl Harbor, all debate over avoiding war and the policy of American isolationism was gone. It was the beginning of a great war that brought death, devastation and finally the victory and power to United States. At the time of Roosevelt’s appointment in 1933, historically crucial events were taking place in Japan, Italy and Germany which had to shape the future and the fate of United States. This paper studies and analyses the major factors which contributed to American success both at home and abroad during WWII in addition to world’s view about American participation in war and bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Despite his internationalist nature and the idea of League of Nations, Franklin …show more content…

In the beginning of war, Japanese victory in Pacific terrified West Cost Americans. Partial victory for Americans appeared when Japanese capital Tokyo was bombed. It was less of a material loss but huge in terms of psychological attack. It was followed by the Battle of Coral Sea in May 1942 and after that the decisive Battle of Midway Island took place. U.S. aircraft carriers destroyed three out of four Japanese carriers that sabotaged their further plans of invasion and they adopted a defensive strategy.
Tension with Germans also became manifold after devastation of American merchant trade with Britain as U-boats destroyed more than 4,700 merchant ships and 200 warships. Stalin stressed the Allied invasion of France while Roosevelt urged troop’s deployment in North Africa. Allied leaders planned invasion of Italy in 1943 but downfall of Mussolini took eleven months and cost was heavy for American. Despite zero physical harm at home ground, war changed America completely. Millions of Americans worked overseas, women replaced men in factories and automobile factories became weapon producing units. Mobilization for war resulted in a thriving economy.
Roosevelt involved businessmen into war by organizing their efforts to mobilize economy and enhance productive capacity. Surprisingly, by 1942, American production was equal to the combined production of Japan, Italy and Germany which ended depression.

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