
American Government Study Guide.

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Outside lobbying does not include the use of face-to-face exchanges between lobbyists and policymakers. Outside lobbying does include the use of campaign contributions to legislators who favor the interest group, the news media to influence policy makers, targeting group resources on key election races, the print media to influence policy makers. For a bill to pass in either chamber of Congress, it must receive the support of a simple majority of its members. Because of the inherent tension in Congress between the need for strong leadership at the top and the individual congressional member's need to act according to local concerns, power in the Congress is widely dispersed. The second most powerful person in Washington, D.C. (after …show more content…

Compared to House incumbents, Senate incumbents are more likely to face the problem of raising enough money to run a strong campaign, an electorate which is inclined to judge their fitness for reelection in the context of pork-barrel legislation and other favors for the local community.a strong challenger. name recognition. ================================================================================ The primary reason that the existence of Social Security greatly lessens the demand for other forms of social welfare is that the incentive of Social Security benefits upon retirement encourages individuals to work during their productive years, which reduces the need for other forms of social welfare, such as unemployment benefits In 2002, President George W. Bush labeled Iraq, Iran, and North Korea an axis of evil. The stages of the public policy process normally develop in a particular order. Which of the following sequences has three of those stages in their usual chronological order? policy formulation, policy evaluation, policy adoption. The sale of hard liquor in Utah was opposed for many years because of the large numbers of Mormons who objected to liquor sales. Congress oversees the bureaucracy through sunset laws, the Government Accountability Office, the Congressional Budget Office, committee hearings. The U.S. social welfare system differs markedly from those of West European

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