
American Government Final Reflection

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Final Reflection/Position Paper American Government March 10, 2013 Final Reflection/Position Paper The purpose of this paper is intended to summarize my views on what has influenced my understanding of politics and government prior to taking this class, and how my understanding is now since completing this course. Pre Reflection/Position My understanding of politics and government prior to taking American Government came from my family and their beliefs. It was influenced by the schools I attended, which influenced my respect for this country, and my respect for our flag. They ingrained a sense of patriotism with their teachings. Television and newspapers had a big influence on me in my younger …show more content…

When I grew up and throughout my life I didn’t need to worry about this issue. Only in the last 15 years or so has the issue of gun control come about in this country. The 2nd Amendment protects our right to bear arms, “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms”.(Volkomer, 2012. Pg. 54). Another reason why I do not want to see gun control implemented is crime will rise, as the only ones that will have guns are the criminals and the government. The honest, upstanding citizens will have no way to protect themselves, and the criminals will take advantage of that fact. Diversity in this country is becoming more apparent. I don’t see this as a bad thing until the opinions of a minority can make changes that affect the majority in a big way. One example is taking the Pledge of Allegiance out of schools because a select few find it offensive because it mentions God in it. When I went to school, if you didn’t want to say it because of your religious beliefs you didn’t have to. Belief in God was what this country was founded on, and I find it disrespectful to this country to allow a select few to be able to dictate to the rest of us what is allowed and what is not. The 1st Amendment was implemented to give us the right to what religion we want to believe in, instead of making us choose a specific religion, or none at all. “Congress

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