
American Dream Thesis

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The American Dream is something that everyone wants to experience, yet not everyone gets the opportunity to experience the fairytale of the American Dream. Immigrants traveled from all over to come to America to experience the glam and glory that America had to offer. To be an American it typically means to be white, rich, to own land/property, and most of all be native to this country. The American Dream originally meant people coming to America and working hard for the lives that they thought they deserved. This dream meant people coming together in harmony and there being no violence. This dream was also perceived to help those in need and America becoming the access route for those in need. In today’s society, The American Dream is viewed …show more content…

Smith pays close attention to the fact of Maria not receiving bo praise, nor acception for her being an exceptional student, and for her simply being herself: “we tell her that a 4.0 isn’t good enough… that college wasn’t meant for girls like her. We say too much brown skin. We say too much accent” (Smith). Smith saying “ girls like her” shows that there is a slight division between who Maria is and that 4.0. The division is that since Maria is not native to this country it seems as if she is not capable of receiving a high GPA only due to her not being white and having a strong accent. In the article The Growing College Degree Wealth Gap Mikhail Zinshteyn explains that students who are financially challenged do not typically finish college even if they are working part-time/full-time. Zinshteyn clearly demonstrates the hierarchy system between low-income students and for-profit institutions. Zinshteyn claims that “Students eligible to receive federal grants because they were considered low-income were more than three times as likely to attend …show more content…

America does not provide access to further specific individuals education, and America does not provide access to the workers who work extremely hard. America needs be awaken, and put education as its top priority by providing free education to all, and not allowing wealthier families to have better resources. Protests, marches, and strikes need to be held. Opening their eyes is a great start, but taking action is was what needs to be done. Joining committees to make your voice heard, and actually voting will make a huge difference. Everything deserves to be fair. This country needs to treat workers with the respect that they solemnly deserve. America has to wake up and smell the roses, and see their wrong

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