
Alcohol Killed Poe

Decent Essays

Alcohol Killed Poe Edgar Allen Poe, known for his crazy writings, but what people question the most beside his stories is how did he die? There have been many theories circling around for how he has died. Two theories aare that he had rabbies or abused alcohol. Many people believe in different things and argue from very different points. However, Poe died of alcohol because, he has had a past with it in his younger years. Even though he gets sick from just one glass, he could of wanted to kill himself or had a withdraw and craved it. Many people believe Poe died of rabbies however, there is more then enough evidence that supports he died of alcohol. In "Poe's Final Days"the author says '' Many others who had known Poe, includuing the professsionally trained Dr. Snodgrass, also attributed his death to lethal amounts of alcohol." (Silverman 186). I believe this quote means that even his family knows he had gained his drinking problem back. If he did possibly get his drinking problem back then possibly he could not stop himself from drinking a lot at once. "Poe was found outside a Baltimore saloon in an alcohlic stupor on October 3, 1849, and died four days …show more content…

In some of the stories they talk about how he had a drinking problem when he was much younger than what he was at this moment. Even if he had not been able to drink anything without getting sick he could have finally gotten use to the Acohol after a long while of trying to drink it. In " Poe's Final Day's" by Kenneth Silverman he talks about where they had found poe and what condition he had seemed to be in. He was found in front of a saloon in someone elses clothes. There could have been a possible chance that Poe could have been so stressed he decided to drink or maybe he just wanted to try drinking again and see what it would do to him and that could of maybe been his cause of

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