
Alcohol Abuse Effects

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Overcoming the Negative Effects of Alcoholism with Ibogaine Treatment

Many people, including alcoholics, are not fully aware of the devastation caused by alcohol abuse. Not only does alcohol have an impact on physical health, it causes a host of problems from a mental and emotional standpoint. This addiction is not only harmful to the body, it tears families apart, leads to job loss, and often causes isolation for the person who drinks.

Current Statistics

To gain a better perspective on the devastation caused by alcohol abuse, consider some disturbing statistics released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as other expert organizations.

Alcohol abuse comes in two forms. This includes binge drinking, which …show more content…

The Growing Dangers of Alcohol Abuse

A recent US study revealed that more than 15 million people, 18 years of age and older, have Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Broken down by gender, this includes 9.8 million men and 5.3 million women. Even more disturbing is the fact that roughly 623,000 adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age have AUD. Of those, 298,000 were male and 325,000 were female.

There are consequences that go hand-in-hand with alcohol abuse. For underage drinkers, normal brain development is affected, the risk of developing AUD intensifies, and there are more incidents of sexual assault, accidents, and death. For college-age students, consequences include alcohol-related unintentional injuries, primarily automobile accidents. This group also experiences a higher number of physical assaults, sexual assaults, and declining academics.

Alcoholism is a real threat to pregnant women. In particular, there is a huge rise in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) cases, which is when an unborn fetus actually becomes addicted to and dependent on alcohol passed from the mother. In 1996, only 0.5 to 3.0 cases were confirmed for every 1,000 pregnancies, but today, that number is a staggering 20 to 50 cases per 1,000 …show more content…

The problem in treating alcoholism is that many methods fail. An innovative treatment called Ibogaine is available for people who suffer from alcohol abuse and full-blown alcoholism.

Ibogaine is an active alkaloid that comes from an isolated root of the Tabernanthe iboga plant native to Central West Africa. Interestingly, the Bwiti African tribe has used this alkaloid for thousands of years for its powerful healing abilities but also in rite of passage ceremonies.

During the 1960s, this active alkaloid was found to help stop withdrawal symptoms associated with both opiates and heroin. Since that time, it has been a vital treatment for all types of addictions.

Commonly referred to as the “waking dream”, an individual remains awake throughout the duration of the 12 to 24-hour Ibogaine experience. For optimal results, Ibogaine is administered at the peak of withdrawal symptoms, thereby treating both physical and psychological addiction.

With the Ibogaine experience, withdrawal symptoms are dramatically alleviated. Although how the process works is a mystery to experts, it is known that this alkaloid refreshes and resets the brain’s receptors. Severely damaged levels of dopamine and serotonin caused by addiction return to normal

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