
Agriculture : Agriculture And Agriculture Essay

Decent Essays

Agriculture plays an important role in India. With an immense amount land, rich soils, and multiple climates agriculture is one of the most important economies in India. The word agriculture is defined as the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food and other products. Agriculture and farming in India are similar to those around the world. They too farm based off of culture, climate, and seasons. The main types of agriculture in India include shifting agriculture, subsistence agriculture, extensive agriculture, intensive agriculture, plantation agriculture, mixed farming, and commercial farming. Although agriculture is still in need of growing, it is the largest economy in India given that majority of households depends on agriculture as principle means of livelihood.
‘Jhum kheti’, commonly known as slash and burn or shifting agriculture, is the most predominant farming system practiced by the hilly communities of North East (NE) India (Wangpan, Tonlong, and Sumpam Tangjang). The oldest type of agriculture in this country, shifting agriculture has been practiced in India by tribal communities and hill people since ancient times. Axes are the classical tool utilized in this type of farming and no machinery is used. This process is very labor intensive. Typically located in areas with low populations, this process consists of clearing the land to plant the crop, growing the crop for a

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