
Advantages Of Fonterra

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Strategic management is an essential part for every company which wants to develop in this severe competitive world. Right strategy can help the firm become leader in that industry market and make huge profit while the wrong one would force the firm to be bankruptcy. To see how strategic decision can affect the operation of a company, this study will analyze the case of Fonterra – one of the leading dairy products providers all over the world. Fonterra was found by the merger of the two-biggest co-op in New Zealand, namely New Zealand Dairy Group, Kiwi co-operative Dairies with an export agent - New Zealand Dairy Board. On average, every year the company produces around 22 billion liters of milk, of which 95% is exported throughout the world …show more content…

[Type your optional fourth 300-500 word paragraph inclusive of references in the Harvard style here]: Concept of sustainable competitive advantage The perception of sustainable competitive advantage is a complicated term as it is not easy to make a clear definition about at what level the firm can be seen as sustainable (Oliver, 2000). To fully understand the concept of sustainable competitive advantage, it is better to break this phrase into two separately parts including sustainable and competitive advantage (White, Moraschinelli 2009). The first word “sustainable” is understood as how long the firm can maintain their position in the market as well as develop themselves at a constant speed, in other words, the company can attain success in long-run. On the other hands, competitive advantage is described as the advantages such as technology, human resources or any other elements that help the firm outperform their competitors (Burns, 2008). Competitive advantage is a dominant factor affecting the enterprise business, particularly the profit that the firm can gain. Combining these two terms together, it is clear that the more competitive advantage the company has in the long-term, the more success the firm can be in such a fierce international competitive …show more content…

Firstly, being operated by experts and experience professional is how Fonterra is making it differ from other dairy companies. Furthermore, together with the sharing culture, the company itself has widen their expertise and experiences of professionals to other staffs and farmers to make them more competitive, more powerful, more innovative as well as more profitable (Fonterra). An ambitious strategy, namely V3, is an as precise strategy as it identifies clearly the path that the company will apply to do the best of them. With all necessary components, this V3 strategy including volume, value and velocity will help them become more reputable and engage more with clients and suppliers to reach a global

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