
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Choosing A Bike

Better Essays

1.Not choosing a budget and sticking to it.

Some people make the basic mistake of spending too much for their bike then not having enough to buy the basic accessories associated with most bikes.

Think about the extra items you will need to buy, puncture repair kits, basic tools, clothing, shoes and gloves also a good quality pump. Allow these into your budget. Expect to pay from £250.00 to £8,000.00 for a road racing bike.

2.choosing a bike because you like the colour and your friend has one so you want the same. Just because the colour of the frame may match the colour of your favourite cycling team doesn’t mean you’ll be able to ride like a pro. The bike may well have been poorly manufactured parts or could be assembled using just a set of pliers.

The sales and marketing for all bike manufacturers is to make the bike appealing to the eye and to fulfill a dream of being able to ride as fast as their heroes in the Tour de France.

Avoid this mistake by choosing a racing bike that has a good mix of quality components and a smart paint job that is pleasing to your eye.

Here are a few pointers in choice of frame:

Just be very aware of the material of the frame which normally has a sticker on the frame between the pedals. This sticker will state the steel type, carbon, aluminium or titanium.

With some manufacturers they offer a lifetime warranty on the paintwork, so, if you have a few stone chips then take it in to the dealer where you bought the bike and get it

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