
Advantages And Disadvantages Of A New Framework

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As a famous saying around the world claims, “Nothing is written in stone” which means that everything in the world tends to change and renew; education is not an exception. Famous TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) frameworks used as templates to design lessons are also changing; evolving and also new frameworks are being designed. In this context, for a long period of time, most English teachers have used the famous PPP (presentation, practice, and production) outline to work on their lessons; nevertheless, now that a new framework called ECRIF (Encounter, clarify, remember, internalize and fluent use) has made its apparition; we as English teachers need to considerate whether this new framework has more benefits to put …show more content…

If we take the example of the grammar class presented in the paragraph above to clarify this idea; we have as a result using PPP, the same grammar teacher presenting and explaining the grammar focus to the students. While using ECRIF in the same class; we have the students encountering and clarifying their doubts by their own (of course with the teacher’s help at hand). By having students think by themselves, and asking their own questions to clarify any doubt, the class becomes student-centered and the role of the teacher is that of a facilitator. Thus, the example provided above just shows how PPP is not student-centered while ECRIF is a more student-centered …show more content…

When using PPP, it seems as if the learning must follow exactly the three stages this framework proposes in the order they are already established. However, since ECRIF provides an insight of what is going on in the students’ brain when being exposed to the target language, students can perfectly go backward and forward whenever is necessary. Let’s use the grammar lesson presented above one more time. While students are encountering the target language and asking their own questions to clarify any doubt, they might be already internalizing the target language, and once they get into the internalization phase; they may not need too many activities since they have already internalized this target language under consideration, or the same encountering activity can work to clarify any doubt and no clarification stage might be needed. On the contrary, if the same class is taught with PPP; students can difficulty go backward and forward since the teacher is not conscious of the learning stage in which the students are, but on the teaching stage in which he/she is, and will be forced to followed his/her teaching stages, proving in this way how ECRIF provides a freer learning environment than the one PPP offers and that learning does not always follow a fashion

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