
A Teacher Interview : Interview As A Teacher

Decent Essays

Teacher Interview While attending South Elementary School in Marshall, Illinois, I have learned a lot about the daily life of working within a school from interviewing two different teachers. I have never realized how much work goes into being a teacher no matter the grade being taught. I am so glad that I got the opportunity to participate within this program and getting to talk to these teachers. It has made me realize even more that I have chosen the right career path for myself. While interviewing the teacher I am working with throughout my practicum, Mrs. Reynolds, I have learned a lot about her teaching background. She went to college at Eastern Illinois University. At first, she thought that she wanted to become a News Anchor. She loved the idea of speaking to an audience. Within her second year of college at Eastern, she decided that she really did not want to be a News Anchor anymore due to her struggling through all the advanced math classes that were required for that degree. She had many long talks with her mom about what career path would be the best choice for her. Her mom, being a teacher herself, convinced her that she should get her teaching degree. Mrs. Reynolds’ mom reminded her of the many benefits of becoming a teacher including having summers off work, and being able to spend more time with her future children. Although Mrs. Reynolds still wasn’t convinced that was what she wanted to do the rest of her life, she went on to get her teaching degree

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