
Cuban Revolution Essay

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There are many different factors that make up a successful revolution, strong and perspicacious leadership (such as Girolamo Savonarola in Florence 1494), a universal set of grievances and demands and the ability to identify the weaknesses of the state (such as in the case of the Paris commune). However, perhaps the most important factor in deciding the fate of a revolution is the location. Logically, the ideal setting for a revolution is an urban area, with a dense population to allow the opportunity to quickly round up supporters, a small surface area so that no supporters have to travel further than they are willing to, nice wide streets to create the opportunity to demonstrate and protest in great numbers therefore increasing the effect of mob mentality which can be crucial to any revolution, and of course, a target. A building or person for the people to attack, be that a parliamentary building, a leader’s fortress or the leader themselves. That’s not to say revolutions cannot begin in rural areas, however, these generally begin in these areas by quietly drumming up support before moving to a major or capital city. The most obvious example of this being the Cuban revolution, which moved from one country to another before it had truly begun. Of all of these geographical factors perhaps the most important of them is the target, the building or person that the revolution will make the enemy and focus its energy against. Without something for the rebels to attack, there

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