
A Small Place Jamaica Kincaid Summary

Decent Essays

Nicolas Valdez ENG 125 Sec. 56315 Essay 2 “A Tourist’s Image” Word Count: 1,044 Original Essay Score: 5% A Tourist’s Image In “A Small Place”, the author Jamaica Kincaid talks about her strong feelings about and tourism in regard to her home country Antigua. Antigua is a 10x12 mile island in the West Indies and it was discovered by Christopher Columbus (Kincaid, 80). Many people don’t know about the background of places we visit, and Antigua is no exception. Kincaid believes, “A tourist is an ugly thing”, and expresses that belief throughout her essay. It is true that there a few tourists who actually know about Antigua and the events that took place there, but there are also some tourists that may not be fully aware of a country’s …show more content…

There are programs that have people that go to other countries to volunteer and improve the lives of others. For example, The Peace Corps is a volunteer program run by the US government. The Peace Corps was established by John F. Kennedy in March 1st, 1961 and it does it provide technical assistance, but it also helps Americans learn about other counties and vice versa. On the other hand, Princess Margaret made a visit to Antigua when Kincaid was a kid. The citizens of Antigua thought very highly of her and considered her visit to be one of the most important historical events to take place. Kincaid didn’t realize until she was older that Margaret had fallen in love with a married man and thought she was “sent to visit us to get over her affair with him” (Kincaid, 33). Margaret didn’t come to Antigua because she was interested in Antigua nor did she even want to go in the first place. She was one of the many people that caused all the racism and slavery that the Antiguans had to endure. Not only are there people outside of Antigua that aren’t aware of its history but there are also people inside of Antigua …show more content…

She expresses that there are people from high in the government to the more common folk who don’t know what goes on in Antigua. The Peace Corps, research and foreign exchange student programs show that they and many others who aren’t from Antigua don’t really know too much about all the country’s political, historical and economic occurrences. There are those that don’t really care about the country one way or the other, but it’s because of that lack of knowledge that tourists would want to visit and learn about Antigua and maybe even learn something new about

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