
A Short Story : The Story Of Narrative : A Story?

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"Why is the knickers on your ankles, and the bra on your wrist? It should be the other way ." Edward cocked his head as if trying to understand the unusual method of entrapment.
"Really that is your question, can you remove them ?" The trapped student was busy trying not to squirm.
"Were they Worn ?" A disgusted look crossed Edward's face quickly.
"No, I don't think so ". The trapped student had a look that mimicked Edwards flashed across his face ."At least I hope not." He now wore an expression of morbid distress.
"Hmm good. I guess I can remove them ". Edward hummed gently studying the undergarments in disdain ."I just realized that they are poking a dotted.Who does poke dotted undergarments?"
"Please remove them ". The trapped student rolled his eyes.
"Are you sure they were not worn?" Edward looked very hesitant.
" Yes I am sure, remove them now !" He gave Edward a stern look.
"Well look who's so demanding ." Edward bent down to remove them. He pulled the bra off giving it a nasty look. Edward threw it on the ground a few inches away from the trapped student.
"This is probably really weird I'm removing your knickers. " Edward dropped down to the ground. His hands hesitantly reach for the panties. He looked worried that he was crossing some sort of vague line.
"No, honestly it's not that weird. " The trapped student huffed.Yes, it was weird very weird. But so was being restrained by undergarments.
"We haven't even had lunch yet. " Edward looked thoughtful. " I mean

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