
A Short Story : The Story Of A Story

Decent Essays

When stories are told and tales are made up, you think of great heroes, random loot and epic adventures. Well see here’s the great ordeal we run into with those stories. They are so damn boring! You can always guess what will happen in the end. Not to mention the heroes always win with impossible odds! You essentially waste your time listening to some want-to-be story teller and their made up shenanigans. You must be thinking “what is this old drunk fool blabbing about this time?”
Well! Unlike those other drunken weird old hermits you may be thinking of, I can tell you a tale so epic, so glorious that you will fall asleep for hours, possibly die from boredom. No worries I won’t bore you for that long. Now that you mention it, you really don’t need to listen to one of my tales long to realize how crazy I am, you may it find it intriguing. Why not stay, and listen to my absolutely horrible tale?
Shrouds of grey dust and ash polluted the air. The smell of death and burning destruction was all one could smell. The wind whipped and twirled blowing dust and ash, spawning small cyclones in its wake. The streets flooded with what could be human remains. Rusting burned out vehicles, twisted fallen trees with roots trembling in the wind, scattered papers flying here or there with no final destination. Crumbled ruin of buildings of once great cities was all that remained. A once boisterous atmosphere of the world now silenced by the destruction mankind has caused.
Now doesn’t that

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