
A Short Story : A Story?

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After her daily duties working around and cleaning their new home, she awoke Marco from his sleep and took him outside. At 5 o’clock in the afternoon, they made their way to the top of their tenement building. Without a word said, they sat on the edge looking out at the colored sky, watching as the sun slowly disappeared from their sight. The people started to enter their homes while the lights of the entire city lit up the soon-to-be night sky. Its colors had changed since then. Aria’s colors had changed as well. In Italy, she could have said that she didn't have a care in the world. She knew basic chores and how to work a farm. She understood how to speak with proper manners and how to cook basic meals. She was ordinary but, extraordinary. Aria never knew that such pain and problems would ever cross her path. That for the first time in her life she would be alone. Aria never thought she would have to leave everything she had known behind just to not only survive, but to thrive in the New World that she had heard stories about. After everything, she could say that she had been through and done all of these things. All with the help of an extraordinary baby boy. She had a feeling though, a hopeful but, bad feeling. She looked into Marco’s eyes and everything became clear. She knew he would have to survive and he would know where he came from and how he got here. He would know her, even if he doesn’t ever remember her. The Italian immigrants that came to America wanted to

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