
A Loss of Innocence Within Us All ( All Quiet on the Westernfront

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A Loss of Innocence Should Never be Taken Lightly War is a hellish battleground where many lives are taken. In war there is constantly images and events that happen which can change a soldier’s life forever. In the book All Quiet on the Western Front Remarque uses the symbols of boots, butterflies and horses to advance the main theme in the novel, that war takes young men’s innocence away. When a soldier begins his first training camp or when he kills his first man, his boots are there warming his feet. Soldiers might not realize it but their boots are with them through their change of heart. In All Quiet boots resemble ageing, façade, and change in heart. In the beginning of the book Paul and Muller are bedside with their dieing …show more content…

For Paul it is now shown how butterflies relates to his life and how when he was a kid there are memories of him catching them and having a lot of fun dong it. This is why usually when a butterfly is in his presence of Paul, he always takes advantage of it and watches the creature flutter around. It also is showing how when ever he see’s a butterfly it reminds him of home, which is the reason why later he says,” I should have never come back”(185). Happy memories, for Paul are hurtful because it will take his thoughts off killing which could make him soft and vulnerable. Butterflies is Paul’s childhood and the war is where he is presently at. When the two are mixed together it shows how he changed so dramatically and how much he wishes to not go back to the way he was. In All Quiet butterflies reveal this and show how Paul has loss his innocence. Horses display strength, honor and loyalty in the real world. Yet when these horses are turned to battle in All Quiet it truly shows how man has crossed the line in what’s right and wrong. This is why the third symbol in the book is horses. While the men battle at night after a bombardment Paul hears horses crying. Moved by this he says,” it is not men, they could not cry so terribly”(62). Man has crossed the line in the book by using peaceful creatures to help kill and having the enemy kill them ,

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