
A Lesson And Meaning Of A Toy

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As an individual growing up does one remember that round “toy” almost resembling a ball, half of it was blue and the other half red and all around it were various shapes cut out of the hard plastic with pieces inside? One could pull apart this “toy” and dump out all of the solid pieces that matched the shapes of the cut outs, and one by one put them back in by matching the shape of the cut out and the solids together. It is possible that as a child one is learning about shapes and the differences between squares, circles, triangles, stars, etc., but is it also possible that this “toy” could have a deeper lesson and meaning as one grows older? Thinking about this “toy” it could be suggested that it could also be teaching the lesson that one size doesn’t fit all. Although all of parts had essentially a similarity in that they were all shapes and all had to fit somewhere, each one was still different. Just like this “toy” has similarities and differences, so do individuals. Individuals are different in “shape” by various characteristics specifically culturally. Sometimes individuals embrace those similarities and differences and create intercultural relationships, there are also times that individuals might be potentially apprehensive to them however, there are things that can be done that will lead to a positive relationships.
For starters, it should be known that culture is essentially made up of learned or passed down values, beliefs, standards, religions, rituals, ethics,

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