
3mer Guidance Leaflet

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Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development 3MER Supporting Good Practice in Managing Employment Relations Assignment and Content Activity Investigate resources and write a guidance leaflet which covers key points of the areas detailed below. The impact of employment law at the start of the employment relationship including: * 2 Internal and 2 external factors which can impact on the employment relationship * 3 different types of employment status and 3 reasons why it is important to clarify/determine an individual’s employment status Employee rights during the employee relationship including: * The importance of work life balance and related legislation concerning holidays, rest periods, working hours and night …show more content…

Pay and reward systems exist in the form of pay, bonuses and benefits, financial and non-financial and designed to improve performance, increase motivation, staff retention and increase profitability. Appreciation and gratitude is widely received as reward and the opportunity for training and development for career progression. A good culture encompassing strong values, vision, morale’s and beliefs and behaviours expressed by employers and employees of an organisation can be the driver of the overall performance of a company. A good culture can help support the implementation of changes and new initiatives and are likely to be supported by those involved. 2 External factors and there impacts: The economic climate surrounding a company can determine many things and can have financial implications as well as affecting the levels productivity. Economic growth can lead to a lack of employees available to fill positions because the labor market is saturated with jobs. A company will look to offer higher wages, more benefits and incentive programs to entice potential candidates and will invest in current employees with training and development to help retain the staff and promote succession planning throughout the company. A downturn in economic growth can have the opposite effect. Companies have a tendency to cut the workforce to maintain profit margins, thus applying extra pressure to the remaining employees, causing extra work loads, poor morale and a high

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