
3RAI Activity 1 and 2 Emma Wilkins

Decent Essays

introduction – Activity 1
A review of the British Gas Businesses current approach to collating, storing and using HR data within the organisation.
Below you will find an overview of some of the data that the HR function within British Gas Business collects. Within this report I will identify two reasons why British Gas Business needs to collect HR data, and the current methods in which we store the data. I will also briefly touch upon some key legislation which if compliant, will reduce any financial or legal risks to the organisation.
Performance – appraisals, Learning and Development (L&D) activity
Employee Engagement results
Equality/Diversity – To meet legal requirements
Recruitment – Contractual information …show more content…

I see no risk, financially or strategically from the methods we are currently using.
ACAS. (2014). Personnel Data. Available: Last accessed 30th November 2014.
Currie, D (2010). Introduction to Human Resource Management. 2nd ed. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel Development. 293
Introduction – Activity 2
Analysis of absence data for the Customer Care function of British Gas Business from high level reported case volumes, to understanding the gender split of the absence recorded.
By analysing the data collated from our absence records, we can establish trends to enable the organisation to look to implement preventative measures to reduce overall long term absence levels. key findings

Absence from the British Gas Business – Customer Care function is currently at its highest levels since 2010. The average number of days taken as absence within the short term sickness (STS) criteria (under 20 consecutive days), has increased from 4.6 to 5.5 days per employee per rolling 52 weeks. The increase in long term sickness (LTS) registered within the organisation has increased by 0.8% over the past 4 years.

LTS cases for 2014 are split into the following reasons for absence and then subsequently by gender for all Stress (Work related) / Mental Illness reported absences.

Of the 45 LTS stress (Work) related

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