
1965 Voting Rights Act

Decent Essays

I think there were many events that helped the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act to pass some I would not characterize as fortunate.
I would point out that Television was now in people’s homes, news came more instantaneous than before, the death of a young black man named Jimmie Lee Jackson’s, and Bloody Sunday.
The first event that leads us to Selma is the encounter with Sheriff Jim Clark who on the town hall steps stops blacks from entering the building thus not allowing them to register to vote. This event leads the Sheriff to club a black man on the steps of city hall making him fall down and what appears to be him now unconscious on the ground. This was all filmed by a news organization.
“A few nights later, Reverend Vivian was asked …show more content…

And so there was a debate in King's circle. Should they go forward they might encounter again what had been encountered in Marion. And King's advisors were divided. Some said, "Yes, let's go forward." King himself was uncertain (May)”.
Here we see the irony of men’s decisions the decision to march by King his uncertain feelings about the march and that of Johnson also not wanting the event to take place. This is why I believe the Selma march was a major change for the civil rights movement as a whole. It galvanized most American of the plight of the African American in the south. This also gave government official some courage to vote for this type of legislation.
The march its self was peaceful on the side of those marching however the police where by no means peaceful or respectful of the marches. Again here television power is seen the new crews managed to record the event as it unfolds and get it back to New York were its broadcasted and now the whole nation see’s firsthand what the blacks are up

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