
1.1 Explain The Importance Of Respecting Positive Behaviour

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Children will always need guidance in what good behaviour is and it is the adult/carer role to teach them. Working with children who have behavioural issues as a result of neglect and abuse I often see children acting in negative ways as a way of seeking attention. This is a result of their lived experiences and they need to be taught how to seek attention in a more positive way that allows for less chaos and full of growth. Behaviour of such kind is also an indicator something is not right and they lack the right communication skills or are not being heard. It is important that we try to identify patterns of behaviour or triggers because: • It can reveal what the child or young person gets (what need is being met) through their behaviour. …show more content…

• It can identify the reasons behind their change in behaviour • Can reveal whether the same trigger is being experienced by more than one child • Can help identify the situations where challenging or negative behaviour doesn’t occur and provide possible areas of solution. Helping children realise which behaviours are appropriate and responsible gor is paramount. Good, strong teamwork between adults will encourage good behaviour in children There are two ways we help teach children good behaviour, through positive reinforcement of good behaviours and negative reinforcement of bad

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