SNHU 107 Module Four Journal ( Isaiah Johnson)



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Apr 3, 2024





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SNHU 107 Module Four Journal Template Complete all parts of this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses. Submit for grading and feedback. Refer to the Module Four Journal Example in the Guidelines and Rubric. 1. Write your academic personal mission statement below using the following format: a. Write a sentence or two summarizing what degree you are working toward here at SNHU and why you chose this field. b. Write a sentence or two summarizing the type of career you want to have after earning your degree at SNHU. c. Write a sentence or two summarizing what you hope to do with your degree and how it will benefit you, your family, and/or your community. I have made the decision to pursue a cybersecurity degree because of my enduring fascination with technology and its constant evolution. My goal is to establish a career in either cybersecurity analysis or cyber security control, as both paths have captured my interest and I am determined to succeed in either one. Obtaining this degree will not only provide me with financial benefits, but it will also serve as an achievement with having a successful career. Another advantage of this field is its continuous evolution, guaranteeing a fulfilling career for me to enjoy. 2. Write three academic goals relating to your academic personal mission statement that is achievable in the next six months (short-term). Include how/why these goals will help you be successful in achieving your academic personal mission statement. a. Goal #1:Attaining passing grades in all of my academic subjects. i. Ensuring that I diligently complete all the coursework, I strive to study diligently in order to successfully pass the quizzes and complete all the given assignments. Additionally, I make certain to allocate sufficient time for studying and meeting all the deadlines for my coursework submissions. b. Goal #2: Deepening my understanding of cybersecurity through continuous education. i. I am conducting independent research on cybersecurity beyond my coursework to enhance my comprehension of the profession. c. Goal #3: I will regularly touch base with my advisor to ensure that I am on the right path toward obtaining my degree and to ascertain the anticipated date of graduation. i. 1. I am conducting my weekly meeting with my advisor to address any queries or issues that may have arisen.
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