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North Carolina State University *

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May 3, 2024





Uploaded by DeanCrownNarwhal35 on coursehero.com

8.1: Introduction to Psychological Disorders A) Think about what is considered normal and abnormal. In the space provided in this assignment, write your own definition of the terms. Label them #1, #2, & #3: 1. Normal, → fitting into the standards given, “blending in with the crowd” 2. Abnormal → outside the box and out of societal normalities 3. mental disorder → abnormal difference in the way one thinks and perceives the world that may possibly inflict harm on one or another B) Watch 8.1 Daily Video 1 in AP Classroom. Take notes. Pay particular attention to the discussion of what qualifies an abnormality as a disorder (around the 6:16 mark). In the space provided in this assignment, label this response "#4" and distinguish between the way the psychological world and the legal world view (and label) mental disorders. #4 The difference between the way the psychological world views mental disorders compared to the legal world is that the legal world tends to use mental disorders with a negative connotation and use legal definitions while the psychological perspective emphasizes the importance of learning, stress, self-defeating thinking patterns, and environmental factors. C) Now that you have learned a bit about "abnormality" think about what it means to be abnormal. Perhaps you or someone you know has a diagnosis that might be found in the DSM-V. There are an incredibly wide variety of reactions to the idea of abnormal, dysfunction, disability, etc.. Probably as many reactions as there are people. With that in mind, watch this Speech by Frank Stephens Links to an external site. . In the space provided in this assignment, label this response "#5" and write your reaction to this message by Mr. Stephens. #5 My reaction to it was very touching and very inspiring not letting Down syndrome affect his life but instead embracing it and spreading the issue of not isolation but educating. I now have a new outlook on life.
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