PHI201_Week5 Assignment - Amina Noor Ali



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Dec 6, 2023





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Week 5 Assignment: Making an Informed Recommendation PHI 201 Dr. Géza Reilly May 5, 2023 1
Amina Noor Ali Viewpoint Director Showcase Products and Service 123 Anywhere St. Herndon, VA 20170 May 04, 2023 Ms. Janelle Smith General Manager Showcase Products and Service 123 Anywhere St. Herndon, VA 20170 Dear Ms. Smith: After examining the content of the documents and security camera footage regarding the theft incident in the company, a testing scope went missing after delivery. The security camera shows that the equipment was physically delivered to the company and checked and received by one employee (Sarah). I have also reviewed the official incident report, the emails from the inventory Manager, LPM, the employee interview, and Online Auction, which is hard to believe because the auction came up after the equipment was missed. Reviewing an article on theft in the company assisted me in comprehending how to deal with this situation appropriately. The article states, "The most basic reason employees steal is that they can. In other words, the opportunity is there, and the employees believe they won't get caught or suffer any consequences " (Guerin, Lisa, p238). I understand that the three employees have been with the company for a long time. However, they all violated company policy. All employees have signed an ethics pledge and receive the employee handbook during hiring. As seen on surveillance Michael and Rachelle appears to have conflict daily, which is never reported to Human Resource; additionally, they are all have been away from their work area multiple times, which the handbook says, "employees should schedule breaks, two 15-minute periods, in the time following the first hour of their scheduled shift and not within the final hour of their scheduled shift". The test scope is missing because they didn't follow the rules and regulations accurately. Therefore, to avoid such incidents in the future, I recommend that the three employees be terminated immediately. I also recommend that the inventory manager be suspended to allow for a thorough investigation to be carried out. I appreciate your consideration and am happy to discuss this matter in person if you desire. Amina Noor Ali 2
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