


Arizona State University *

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Industrial Engineering


Dec 6, 2023





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dit View Go Tools Window Help i E[] 0 03_anova_DL.pdf Page 5 of 5 limited to four types of feed supplements: linseed, meatmeal, soybean, and sunflower. ot 0 C ] 7. Run the following code to load the \texttt{chickwts} dataset and subset the data for the four feed supplements of interest. ~~~ {r} - #load the data - library(datasets) i - data("chickwts") #subset the four feed supplements keep = (chickwts$feed == "linseed" | chickwts$feed == "meatmeal” | ehickwts$Sfeed == "soybean" | chickwts$feed == "sunflower') - chickwts = chickwts[keep, ] #eliminate unused levels chickwts$feed <- droplevels(chickwtsS$feed) 1 8. Analyze the data and report the results. Using language accessible to a non- statistician, discuss which feed supplement(s) is/are the most effective for increasing chick weight. T The design shows us that the experiment allows us to assume the observations are independent within each group. The sample size is small, do normality isn't easily accessible. We know with weight and height they represent a normal distribution. = We can reject the null hypothesis based on the F-test and the p-value. I - Recommending sunflower over linseed or soybeans; is recommended based on results. % \\\{r} #check assumptions #conduct analysis table(chickwtsS$feed) 0f2023b.Rdata 23b.Rdata
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