Negotiation as the Representative of the City of Tamarack Danna Maravi upt



North Lake College *

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Health Science


Apr 3, 2024





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0 Negotiation as the Representative of the City of Tamarack Danna Maravi MANA 4341-001 March 23, 2024 (March 23,2024)
1 Abstract: In this negotiation agenda, as a representative of Tamarack, Minnesota, my goals are to protect our environment, ensure the health and welfare of our residents, and maintain the economic stability of our community. Our negotiation with Twin Lakes Mining Company is focused on addressing water quality, air quality and fiscal issues through collaborative solutions. We are pushing for the construction of a water filtration plant to clean our water and effective dust control measures to keep our air clean. In addition, we want to adjust tax rates fairly and equitably. Following the Integrative Negotiation Process, our goal is to reach a mutually beneficial agreement that serves the interests of both parties involved. With open communication and evidence-based decision making, we believe we can find win-win solutions that will pave the way for a better future for Tamarack and Twin Lakes Mining Company. Conclusions: First, the negative effects of TLMC's operations on Beaver Brook, a critical water source in our community, require urgent intervention to prevent contamination. To protect the health of our residents and the environment, TLMC must invest in the construction of a filtration plant that will purify the water used in its operations. This investment is not only required to comply with the law, but also to reduce the negative effects of pollution on aquatic life and human health. Furthermore, partnering with TLMC to finance this filtration plant allows us to share costs while also demonstrating our commitment to environmental management. Moreover, the dust generated by TLMC's mining operations reduces Tamarack's air quality, endangering our residents' health. We need to take action to reduce emissions and protect public health. To reduce dust, TLMC should prioritize dust control and paving dirt roads. Sharing the cost of road maintenance between TLMC and the city is not only reasonable but also demonstrates how we work together to address environmental concerns. Furthermore, temporary solutions such as oil spraying can provide relief while we work on long-term solutions. Finally, while fair taxes are important, we must ensure that TLMC contributes its fair share while maintaining city services and improving infrastructure. Negotiating a reasonable tax rate that acknowledges TLMC's contribution to the local economy is important for creating a beneficial business environment. Plus, considering different tax proposals and incentives can encourage TLMC to invest in our community while maintaining our city's financial stability and long-term viability. Reasons: Protecting water sources like Beaver Brook is important for maintaining our community's health and safety. According to research, water pollution harms both animals and humans. Building a filtration plant enables us to actively reduce pollution and protect our environment for future generations to enjoy. The negative effects of dust on our health and daily lives have been proof of its damage to our community. We must take action to mitigate the effects and keep our residents healthy. To
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