Chapter Six



Normandale Community College *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Chapter Six – Review Questions for Assignment Dropbox (10 points) Enter your original response to each of the following questions in the space provided below each question. Use your own words. You may expand the space as needed, but a few well-considered sentences or a short paragraph should suffice. Save as a Word or PDF file and then submit it to the Assignment drop box. 1. Explain how wave interference influences the height of ocean waves. Constructive wave influence occurs when two or more wave crests coincide to form composite waves with heights greater than any of the original waves. 2. In your own words , explain how the idealized depiction of an amphidromic system in Figure 6.21 helps to explain the amphidromic systems of semidiurnal tidal components shown in Figure 6.22. In figure 6.22 and the reading you can confirm that most semidiurnal tides are in the U.S Atlantic coast. figure 6.1 ultimately show the standing wave where the high tide and low tide points traverse the basin in a rotary path known as the amphidromic system. 3. Why are tsunamis most common on the Pacific Ocean basin? Tsunamis are most common in the Pacific Ocean and Indonesia, due to a significant number of active undersea earthquake zones around the Pacific Rim.
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