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Arts Humanities


Apr 3, 2024





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CLCM Event Participation 19-20 Christian Leadership & Church Ministries Event Report Class (Ex: CHMN 201, CLED 310, YOUT 220): CHMN 201 Event Topic: Considering Beauty Date of Event: November 7, 2022 Speaker: Professor Chang / Taylor Worley Please use this section of the report to summarize your notes and reflect what you learned (250 words): At the Next Gen Conference, Professor Chung is talking about the understanding of art and how beauty shapes us. She is also talking about how they matter in terms of us biblically. The purpose of beauty is to draw us closer to God, and we can see this by the way we live. Which is in a redemptive beauty due to God's triumph. God uses this to call us and shape and mold us in our lives in ways he has designed us for. The place of art and Christian formation is the first topic that Professor Chung covered in her speech. The arts reflect cultural infancies and values and demonstrate what humanity is thinking. It also has a reflective quality about it and this idea of art can be translated into music. There is an interesting and complex relationship between the church and art because art was used as a form of communication within the church. Art can be used to remind those of the “Beautiful One” and His ways. Art itself can express and display things. Lastly, the arts are a means to cultivate beauty for us and as spiritual beings, we should not miss the opportunity to apply spiritual truths in our lives. The arts can help us do this and find ways to apply this in our lives. It helps shape our thought processes and imaginations. Our thoughts through biblical truths can be beautifully highlighted if we take the time to focus on them. We should be aware to enter spheres of beauty. Our culture is deeply longing for beauty and as the next speaker spoke, Dr. Taylor Worley, he touched on beauty and art in the Christian life. He talks about an artist who created two boats and related it to the question, “Which boat are you?” One boat was transformed, and one boat was not changed and ended up failing. Sometimes you feel like you have been transformed and other times you feel like you are falling apart. You need the truth of life and the way to Jesus if you want life. This was said by Eugene Peterson. We are tempted to do things the “Jesus way” but never get around to the Jesus truth. Are we living lives that other people want to follow and come alongside and would follow along to wherever we were going even if they didn’t know? Or are we the opposite? God can use difficult and challenging experiences like modern and contemporary art to shape us to be humbler and more compassionate.
CLCM Event Participation 19-20 Allowing us to become more accessible to our friends and family. Dr. Worley continued to talk about the arts and show us famous pictures that we were familiar with and relate them to his topic about art. Visual Dissonance prompts a choice of reduction, revision, or reinterpretation. Overall, Dr. Worley was able to connect the arts and beauty to the artworks that he showed us, to tell us a bigger story. Please use this section of the report to write one take-away or action as it relates to ministry or your ministry leadership: (This should be specific and measurable) One thing that really stood out to me and that I learned to take away, was just how impactful art can be in the Christian life. maybe not the literal artwork, but the beauty of creation and circumstances the Lord places in our lives. Seeing the beauty of the result and outcome. How are we pushing through and what masterpiece comes from the paints the Lord lays down at our feet? What will our canvas look like at the end of our life? broken, ruined, dark, and grey? Or will it have all of that place a cross and some bright colors, proving we can all things through Christ who gives us strength?
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