


California State University, Fresno *

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Arts Humanities


Dec 6, 2023





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Section 1: Drama Short Story The classroom was filled with anticipation as Mr. Johnson, the history teacher, prepared to tell his famous jokes. He was known for his witty sense of humor, always able to make his students laugh. But today, his joke would go too far. As Mr. Johnson began his joke, the room erupted in laughter. The students couldn't contain themselves, their laughter filling the air. But as the joke continued, it took a turn for the worse. The punchline was inappropriate, crossing a line that should never have been crossed. The laughter slowly died down, replaced by an uncomfortable silence. The students looked at each other, unsure of how to react. Mr. Johnson realized his mistake, his face turning red with embarrassment. He quickly tried to backtrack, apologizing for the joke and assuring the students that it was a mistake. But the damage had already been done. The atmosphere in the classroom had shifted, the once jovial mood replaced by tension and unease. The students couldn't shake off the inappropriate nature of the joke, their laughter now tainted with guilt. Mr. Johnson realized that he had let his desire to entertain cloud his judgment. He had forgotten that as a teacher, he had a responsibility to create a safe and respectful environment for his students. He vowed to never let his jokes cross that line again. The incident served as a wake-up call for both Mr. Johnson and his students. It reminded them of the importance of being mindful of their words and actions, and the impact they could have on others. From that day forward, the classroom became a place of learning and respect, where laughter was welcomed, but never at the expense of others. Section 2: Multiple Choice Questions 1. What was Mr. Johnson known for? a) His strict teaching style b) His love for history c) His witty sense of humor (Correct) d) His knowledge of ancient civilizations 2. How did the students initially react to Mr. Johnson's joke? a) They groaned in disappointment b) They laughed uncontrollably (Correct) c) They stared at each other in confusion d) They remained silent 3. Why did the atmosphere in the classroom change after the joke? a) The students realized they didn't understand the punchline b) The students felt guilty for laughing (Correct) c) The students thought the joke was inappropriate from the start d) The students were disappointed in Mr. Johnson's attempt at humor 4. What did Mr. Johnson do after realizing his mistake? a) He continued with the joke, pretending nothing happened b) He apologized and tried to backtrack (Correct) c) He laughed along with the students, hoping to diffuse the tension d) He ignored the students' reaction and moved on with the lesson 5. What did the incident teach Mr. Johnson and his students? a) The importance of studying history b) The need for stricter classroom rules c) The impact of words and actions on others (Correct) d) The dangers of inappropriate jokes Section 3: Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 1. The students couldn't contain themselves, their laughter filling the air. Correct word: laughter Explanation: The word "laughter" is correct because it refers to the sound the students were making. 2. The punchline was inappropriate, crossing a line that should never have been crossed. Correct word: punchline Explanation: The word "punchline" is correct because it refers to the final part of the joke that is meant to be funny. 3. The atmosphere in the classroom had shifted, the once jovial mood replaced by tension and unease. Correct word: atmosphere Explanation: The word "atmosphere" is correct because it refers to the overall mood or feeling in the classroom. 4. Mr. Johnson realized that he had let his desire to entertain cloud his judgment. Correct word: entertain Explanation: The word "entertain" is correct because it refers to Mr. Johnson's desire to make the students laugh. 5. The incident served as a wake-up call for both Mr. Johnson and his students.
Correct word: wake-up call Explanation: The phrase "wake-up call" is correct because it refers to something that makes someone realize the need for change or improvement. Section 4: Open Ended Questions 1. How do you think the students felt after the joke went too far? Why? 2. Do you think Mr. Johnson's apology was enough to repair the damage? Why or why not? 3. What steps do you think Mr. Johnson could take to regain the trust and respect of his students? 4. How might this incident impact the way the students view humor in the future? 5. What do you think the students learned from this experience, besides the importance of being mindful of their words and actions? Section 5: Conclusion The incident in Mr. Johnson's classroom served as a powerful reminder of the impact words and actions can have on others. It taught both the teacher and his students the importance of creating a safe and respectful environment, where laughter is welcomed, but never at the expense of others. From that day forward, they approached humor with a newfound sense of mindfulness and empathy. Section 6: Works Cited 1. "The Power of Words: How They Impact Our Lives." Psychology Today, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/cutting-edge- leadership/201206/the-power-words-how-they-impact-our-lives. 2. "Creating a Safe and Respectful Classroom Environment." TeachHub, www.teachhub.com/creating-safe-respectful-classroom-environment. 3. "The Importance of Empathy in the Classroom." Edutopia, www.edutopia.org/article/importance-empathy-classroom. 4. "The Role of Humor in Education." The Atlantic, www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2015/07/the-role-of-humor-in-education/398328/. 5. "Mindfulness in the Classroom: How to Teach Students to Live in the Moment." The Guardian, www.theguardian.com/teacher- network/2015/nov/17/mindfulness-teach-students-live-in-the-moment.
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