2002 Lab 1 Checklist ss2024 new manual



University of Cincinnati, Main Campus *

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Apr 3, 2024





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Anatomy & Physiology II - Lab 1 Ex. 21 – Eye and Vision Activity Completed 1. Carefully read the Lab Policies sheets; sign during lab if you agree to abide by the policies. Be sure to notify your lab instructor if you did not take A&P I here on main campus. Ex. 21: Eye and Vision: 3. Activity A: Using models, wall charts, and Figures 21.1 and 21.3 in your lab manual-identify the accessory eye structures. Consult the List of Structures page for specific structures. 4. A ctivity A: Using models, wall charts, and Figure 21.2 in your lab manual-identify the extrinsic eye muscles. You must know an action for each of these extrinsic eye muscles and their innervations. Use Table 21.1 to help learn their innervations. 5. Activity A: Using models, wall charts, and figures in your lab manual-identify the internal structures of the eye listed in the List of Structures page. Refer to Figure 21.4. 6. Activity B: Using the slide of Monkey Eye-identify structures shown in Figure 21.6 as listed on your List of Structures. Be sure to identify the cellular layers of the retina. 7. Activity C: Using models, charts, and Figure 21.7, identify the macula lutea, fovea centralis, and optic disc. 8. Activity D : Dissection of Cow Eye-working with your lab partner and following instructions given by your lab instructor and in your lab manual, perform the eye dissection. Ex. 21: Visual Tests: 9. Visual tests: For all visual tests, record your results in your lab manual and answer all questions. a. Activity E : Follow the directions in Activity E to test the effectiveness of the extrinsic eye muscles. b. Activity F: Follow the directions in Activity F to test for near point of vision/accommodation. Also watch the video in the Media Gallery on your lab section site. c. Activity H : Follow the directions in Activity H to test for visual acuity. Also watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcULvDBJOVs d. Activity I : Follow the directions in Activity I to test for astigmatism. Also watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpSB6TNLKxg e. Activity J : Follow the directions given by your instructor and in Activity J to use an ophthalmoscope to conduct an examination of the eye (15 minutes or less). Also watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhzBjm1xAnk f. Activity K : Follow the directions in Activity K to test the following eye reflexes, and watch the accompanying videos listed noted below. pupillary light reflex : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt83ViMaX7I accommodation pupillary reflex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZsgvqQECS4 convergence reflex : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rofOan1M1FM g. Activity L: Follow the directions in Activity L to test for color blindness . Also watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUq_Y3sUYO4 h. Activity M: Follow the directions in Activity M to test for the blind spot . Also watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjTCbL2wbRk i. Depth Perception Activity 1- not in your lab manual : Follow these directions to test for depth perception . 1. Close your left eye and hold a pencil at arm’s length directly in front of your right eye. 2. Position another pencil directly beneath the first one, making sure they align vertically. 3. Move the lower pencil about halfway towards you while keeping it in line with the upper pencil, ensuring that they form a continuous straight line. 4. Without shifting pencils, close your right eye and open your left eye. 5. What do you observe? With the right eye open, does the lower pencil appear to stay in the same 1
plane as the upper pencil or is it in a different plane? When you look only with your left eye, does the lower pencil seem to move or is it in the same plane? Depth Perception Activity 2-not in your lab manual 1. Ask your lab partner to hold a test tube, vertically, about an arm’s length in front of you. 2. With both eyes open, swiftly insert a pencil into the test tube. 3. Remove the pencil, bring it closer to your body, close one eye. 4. Insert the pencil into the test tube again. 5. Repeat the process with the other eye. 6. Is it as easy to place the pencil with one eye closed as compared to having both eyes open? Do humans have monocular or binocular vision? Would this matter in depth perception? Besides depth perception, what other thing could you be testing with this activity? (Hint-think about sports like baseball, tennis.) Also watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuoCREqckbU 10. Be able to define the following terms: myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, near point of accommodation, and astigmatism (see textbook for further information if needed). List of Structures for Ex. 20 and 21 Anterior segment with Aqueous humor Choroid Ciliary body Conjunctiva Cornea Fovea centralis Iris Lacrimal gland Lacrimal sac Lateral commissure (canthus) Lens Macula lutea Medial commissure (canthus) Optic disc Optic nerve Posterior segment with Vitreous humor Pupil Retina Sclera Scleral venous sinus (canal of Schlemm) Suspensory ligament (ciliary zonule) Extrinsic eye muscles: Lateral rectus Medial rectus Superior rectus Inferior rectus Inferior oblique Superior oblique Microscopic anatomy of the retina (Monkey eye slide): Ganglionic layer Bipolar cell layer Photoreceptor (rods and cones) layer Pigmented layer Choroid 2
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