
Robert Christy, comp. Proverbs, Maxims and Phrases of All Ages. 1887.


He that abideth low cannot fall hard.Dutch.

He that creepeth falleth not.Dutch.

He that falls to-day may be up again to-morrow.

He that falls by himself never cries.Turkish.

He that falls into the sea takes hold of a serpent to be saved.

He that is down can fall no longer.Butler.

He that lies on the ground cannot fall.Loyal Songs, Latin.

He who does not soar high will suffer less by a fall.Chinese.

It is better to fall from the window than the roof.

Keeping from falling is better than helping up.

Lofty towers fall down with the greatest crash.Horace.

No one falls low unless he attempts to climb high.Danish.

Not all that shakes (or trembles) falls.Italian.

One falls to the side to which one leans.French.

One may sooner fall than rise.

Some falls are means the happier to rise.Shakespeare.

The higher the mountain, the lower the vale,
The taller the tree, the harder the fall.Dutch.

The higher the rise, the greater the fall.French, Italian, Spanish.

Who bravely dares must sometimes risk a fall.Smollett.