
Home  »  Proverbs, Maxims and Phrases of All Ages  »  Self-exertion

Robert Christy, comp. Proverbs, Maxims and Phrases of All Ages. 1887.


Generals and premiers spring not from seed corn: men must exert themselves.Chinese.

Give orders and do it yourself and you will be rid of anxiety.Portuguese.

Give order and do no more and nothing will be done.Spanish, Portuguese.

He spins from himself like a spider.

He that performs his own errand saves his messenger’s hire.Danish.

He that would have a thing done quickly and well must do it himself.Italian.

He that would have the fruit must climb the tree.

Hope in the Lord but exert yourself.Russian.

Paddle your own canoe.

When it rains pottage you must hold up your dish.

Would you have potatoes grow by the pot-side?