
Hoyt & Roberts, comps. Hoyt’s New Cyclopedia of Practical Quotations. 1922.


Ne sait on pas où viennent ces gondoles Parisiennes?
Does anyone know where these gondolas of Paris came from?
Balzac—Physiologie du Mariage. (1827). N. Q. S. 5. IV. 499. V. 195.

Go, call a coach, and let a coach be called;
And let the man who calleth be the caller;
And in the calling, let him nothing call,
But coach! coach! coach! O for a coach, ye gods!
Henry Carey—Chrononhotonthologos. Act II. Sc. 4. L. 46.

The gondola of London [a hansom].
Disraeli—Lothair. Ch. XXVII. H. Schutz Wilson in Three Paths, claims to have originated the phrase. (1759).

Our chariots and our horsemen be in readiness.
Cymbeline. Act III. Sc. 5. L. 23.

Come, my coach! Good-night, ladies.
Hamlet. Act IV. Sc. 5. L. 72.

Many carriages he hath dispatched.
King John. Act V. Sc. 7. L. 90.

When I am in my coach, which stays for us
At the park gate.
Merchant of Venice. Act III. Sc. 4. L. 82.

“There beauty half her glory veils,
In cabs, those gondolas on wheels.”
Said to be taken from May Fair, a satire pub. 1827.