
Grocott & Ward, comps. Grocott’s Familiar Quotations, 6th ed. 189-?.


The air bites shrewdly.
Shakespeare.—Hamlet, Act I. Scene 4. (The Prince to Horatio and Marcellus.)

A man whose blood
Is very snow-broth.
Shakespeare.—Measure for Measure, Act I. Scene 5. (Lucio to Isabella.)

Cold as the turkeys coffin’d up in crust.
Shirley.—The Sisters.

The cold in clime are cold in blood,
Their love can scarce deserve the name;
But mine was like a lava flood,
That boils in Ætna’s breast of flame.
Byron.—The Giaour.

She though in full blown flower of glorious beauty, grows cold even in the summer of her age.
Lee and Dryden’s Œdipus, Act IV. Scene 1. (Ægæon to Œdipus.)