
Home  »  Respectfully Quoted  »  Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800–59)

Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations. 1989.

NUMBER: 1139
AUTHOR: Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800–59)
QUOTATION: It is quite plain that your government will never be able to restrain a distressed and discontented majority. For with you the majority is the government, and has the rich, who are always a minority, absolutely at its mercy.
ATTRIBUTION: THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY, letter to Henry Stephens Randall, May 23, 1857.—The Letters of Thomas Babington Macaulay, ed. Thomas Pinney, vol. 6, p. 95 (1981).

See note at No. 334 about this letter.
SUBJECTS: Majority