
Home  »  The World’s Best Poetry  »  “My little Girl”

Bliss Carman, et al., eds. The World’s Best Poetry. 1904.

Poems of Home: I. About Children

“My little Girl”

Samuel Minturn Peck (1854–1938)

MY little girl is nested

Within her tiny bed,

With amber ringlets crested

Around her dainty head;

She lies so calm and stilly,

She breathes so soft and low,

She calls to mind a lily

Half-hidden in the snow.

A weary little mortal

Has gone to slumberland;

The Pixies at the portal

Have caught her by the hand.

She dreams her broken dolly

Will soon be mended there,

That looks so melancholy

Upon the rocking-chair.

I kiss your wayward tresses,

My drowsy little queen;

I know you have caresses

From floating forms unseen.

O, Angels, let me keep her

To kiss away my cares,

This darling little sleeper,

Who has my love and prayers!