
Home  »  Elizabethan Sonnets  »  Sonnet X. Am I a Gorgon? that she doth me fly!

Seccombe and Arber, comps. Elizabethan Sonnets. 1904.


Sonnet X. Am I a Gorgon? that she doth me fly!

William Smith (fl. 1596)

AM I a GORGON? that she doth me fly!

Or was I hatchèd in the river Nile?

Or doth my CHLORIS stand in doubt that I,

With Siren songs, do seek her to beguile?

If any one of these she can object

’Gainst me, which chaste affectèd love protest;

Then might my fortunes by her frowns be checked:

And blameless She from scandal free might rest.

But seeing I am no hideous monster born;

But have that shape which other men do bear:

Which form great JUPITER did never scorn

Amongst his subjects here on earth to wear.

Why should she then that soul with sorrow fill

Which vowed hath to love and serve her still?